All posts by Janeen Baker

Letter of Intent

$50 deposit plus Letter of Intent due by Wednesday, October 6th.

In order to reserve buses, meal reservations, and hotel rooms, we need an accurate headcount of who will be going. Please fill out the Letter of Intent and return along with $50 deposit by Wednesday, October 6th. You may use money in your student accounts for this deposit. Please indicate this on the form.

The cost of the Trip is $700, which includes charter buses, four nights hotel, Chaperones, two dinners, all breakfasts, and the cost of participating in the Disneyland workshops as well as entrance into both Disneyland theme parks.

COVID (or anything else) all money paid, except for money earned with fundraisers/concessions, will be refunded. ALL money can be rolled over or gifted to pay for next year’s Choir tour.