Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came to support our choir program last night. It really was a fabulous & entertaining final concert!

In all my announcements, I forgot to thank everyone who volunteered to help with the concert & ice cream social. The evening wouldn’t have run so smoothly or been as enjoyable without your help. So THANK YOU…for feeding the kids – Sara Niewald-Walker, April Dieterle, Dana Lyons, & Heather Gatchet. Elizabeth Silva & Jenn Colachico for ushering. Teresa Foote & Allison Galvin for taking care of our sponsors. Arin Lathen for making all of the ice cream happen, Elli Kataura, Annalisa BojeTeresa Foote & Bub Lathen for scooping ice cream & clean up.

To our directors Mr H & Mr Miller, “thank you” will have to suffice…there aren’t enough words.

To Aaron Palmquist for making everything sound and look amazing all year. You are the heartbeat of our auditorium.

And to our graduating seniors…such a talented, thoughtful & kind group of students. We love you and you will be missed. ðŸ’šðŸŽ“