2024 Choir Camp!

WSHS Choir students! SIGN UP FOR CHOIR CAMP!!! We need everyone to register by this Friday, August 2 in order to purchase you a choir camp shirt. If you register later than August 2, there is a chance that we will not have a shirt that fits you. Submit your information through WSHS Choir Camp Registration (https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSc6V_Fth…/viewform).

Choir Camp runs August 19-23 from 1:30-4:30pm! The fee to attend choir camp will be $30 that includes a shirt and the experiences that come along with camp. Each day will include games, singing through pieces of music, sight-reading(!!!), bonding exercises, snacks, workshops with guest clinicians. Camp fees can be paid by cash or check during camp. Checks payable to West Salem HS Choir Boosters.

We are inviting all the WSHS Choir program from Tuesday – Friday (CT only on Monday). We especially want to welcome incoming freshmen, so get the word out! Choir of the Titans are required to be at Choir Camp.

If your student is coming to choir camp, please send them with the $30 camp fee. It’s also a great time to pay the $40 choir yearly fee. So $70 for both. Cash or check payable to West Salem Choir Boosters. These fees go towards yearly expenses – clinicians, workshops, t-shirts, snacks & concert pizza, robe maintenance, music. Most of the expense of the program is covered by booster fundraising efforts and sponsor donations, but these student fees are critical. Thank you!